So I was in Barnes and Noble around the end of the year nosing around the clearance table – the one where I found the neat little book I made into my cruise sketchbook/scrapbook. I spied a book of 365 drawing prompts that looked interesting – Just Draw One ThingToday: 365 Creative Prompts to Inspire You Everyday .
I do work on something art related for a couple of hours most days but it’s kind of random. All summer I was outside painting in oils. In the off season I’m messing with watercolors or trying to do portraits, whatever. So the little book intrigued me.
The prompts seem to have no rhyme or reason to them but they were mostly things I wouldn’t think to draw. And did I mention it was on sale for half of an already cheap price? Sold!
So I started working on it at the beginning of the year. Most days I did one, some days none and occasionally I did two.
As I was a few weeks into it, I went to a Columbus Urban Sketcher meet-up and found out that there is a Facebook group called Sketching Everyday that puts out daily prompts. I joined but don’t follow them since they generate so many sketches that they took over my newsfeed.
Before I went to Florida in February I made a beach sketchbook to take. I also took my daily sketchbook and jotted the prompts in ahead of time. Did I do them? No. Have I done them since I came home? No. I got out of the habit. Also, there was something about having the pages labeled ahead that put me off. I’m writing this post to kick myself into gear. We’ll see what happens!